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Meet Galia Artzy

photo of GaliaI work with adults of all genders and ages. My goal is to make myself obsolete- work with you just until you are ready to go forth on your own. I welcome individuals with issues of relationships, depression and grief, anxiety, and history of trauma. I use several psychological approaches including client-centered, psycho-dynamic, solution oriented, cognitive-behavioural, and supportive psychotherapy.

Education and experience

I was born and raised in Israel and served in the military.

I completed a BA in psychology and a MA in Medical Psychology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In 1987 I moved to Canada to pursue a doctorate degree in Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology at the University of Victoria, BC. As part of my degree, I completed a Clinical Psychology Internship at Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia, PA., and a Post-Doc in Neuropsychology at Beth-Israel Hospital in New York, NY. I have been registered and practicing in Victoria since 1997. I am a member in good standing of the College of Psychologists of BC (Registration #1252), and a member of BC Psychologists Association.

1997 – 2012    In private practice, conducting psychotherapy and neuropsychological assessments of individuals who sustained head injuries. Recognized by the BC Courts as an expert witness. Conducted workshops and lectures on crisis intervention, communication in a relationship, stress management, and sexuality following prostate surgery.

2005 – 2018      Part-time employment at the Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, BC conducting
psychotherapy and neuropsychological screening tests of individuals with mental health problems.

Since 2013     I have been practicing psychotherapy in private practice.